The Buzz in Taos — propolis RSS

Propolis is bee medicine.

Propolis is bee medicine.

 Why take a trip to the regular pharmacy when you can visit the hive pharmacy? No clean medicine cabinet is complete without bee propolis, nature's all-purpose soother.             Propolis is a sticky, antioxidant rich substance with 300+ beneficial compounds. Made from plant and tree resins, bees use it to line their hive walls. There, it acts as an unstoppable barrier against foreign invaders and germs. That's why we like to call it 'the hive immune system'.   If you’re a fan of our Propolis Toner you’re probably already aware of how amazing propolis is at soothing a scratchy throat and supporting immune health. (We don't leave home without it these days.) But did you know you can use propolis in...

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