Mesa Man Coconut Body Cream


Mesa Man Coconut Body Cream

Regular price $24.00
Tax included.


This moisturizer smells amazing and works like a charm!

Deeply saturate your face, neck, hands and more with our soothing and creamy moisturizing blend. Formulated with organic coconut oil, along with propolis and raw beeswax from my hives, this irresistible cream forms a light protective layer over the skin which locks in moisture and safeguards from the environmental elements.

Blended beautifully, the coconut oil, propolis and beeswax work harmoniously to heal skin damage and prevent further damage with their antioxidant properties which fight free radicals. This all natural hydrating moisturizer not only hydrates, but is also a wonderful and rejuvenating facial cleanser, especially in the winter and summer months when skin tends to be dry.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, propolis tincture and beeswax and Mesa Man fragrance oil.

On the fence about this Mesa Man Coconut Body Cream? Don't be. Let our satisfaction guarantee address your concerns.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025