The Buzz in Taos — taos bee RSS

Bees and the changing environment.

Bees and the changing environment.

Polar bears aren’t the only ones getting screwed by our rapidly shifting climate. Bees are seriously struggling with climate change—as if they didn’t have enough problems already.     Because they're tiny insects, bees aren't widely addressed as one of the potentially devastating casualties of climate change, but we should all be paying closer attention. It’s well known that without bees, humans would be in big trouble. Just imagine your local grocery store—even a produce palace like Whole Foods—with a virtually barren produce section. That’s what's at risk if we lose the bees—a whopping percentage of our global food supply.                   And let's be honest, bees already have a loaded plate. As they continue dealing...

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Every spring beekeepers have to take stock of their bee hives. Which ones are strong and which ones are weak. The strong have amazing build up of population, because the queen is laying like crazy, and the weak have a queen that is really just walking around the combs not doing anything! So that's where re-queening comes in. You have to remove the queen who is not doing anything and introduce a new one.  This sounds easy, but does not always go the way you think it should!  Yesterday, I opened a few queen cages that had been in their new hives and most f them just walked out and were accepted by the hive. But one decided this was...

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A long time ago, I lost my trust in the products that were intended to help my skin  stay healthy. I’ve had so many experiences where I’ve put my fate in the hands of some company that, I needed to be able to rely on. And time after time, I was let down. If this has happened to you, you know there’s nothing more frustrating and costly. Skin care have become synonymous with unreliability and distrust. Conventional products hide junk ingredients that can make your skin feel and look worse. And you’ve probably been misled by enough poorly formulated natural products to look at the pretty packaging and ask yourself, “but does it really work?” That’s why it’s time for...

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