It's almost summer in the Taos Bee Apiary.

I just wanted to update you on the Taos Bee Apiary. The bee hives overwintered very well, I now have 16 hives and they are all flourishing and buzzing around my orchard and the local area. They feasted on dandelions, then cherry, apple, pear and apricot blossoms in my orchard.

There have been smokey days here in Taos, due to the  fires south east of here, the bees don't like to fly on smokey days, but there have been enough clear days for them to gather pollen and nectar to start building up their stores and start making honey.

The populations of each hive are generally healthy, though I did notice 2 hives had lower populations then the rest of them, we shall keep an eye on those hives.

I will hopefully bee more engaged this year on my blog!

Buzz on, Moira